History Personnel
Teaching - Fall/Winter 2024-25
HIS 2401E - Medieval Europe
Michael S. Fulton
- Assistant Professor
- Adjunct Professor
PhD, Cardiff University, 2016
Email: mfulton8@uwo.ca
Office: LWH 2265
Telephone: 519-661-3645
Office Hours: Office hours will be conducted virtually, please see OWL for details. Owl can be accessed via owl.uwo.ca.
Research Interests
My research relates to the history and archaeology of conflict in the Middle Ages, with the crusades as a particular context of interest. Much of my early research focused on the development of siege technologies in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and the effects this had on the concurrent evolution of fortifications.
Select Publications
FULTON, Michael S. (2024). Crusader Castle: The Desert Fortress of Kerak (Pen & Sword).
FULTON, Michael S. (2022). Contest for Egypt: The Collapse of the Fatimid Caliphate, the Ebb of Crusader Influence, and the Rise of Saladin (Brill).

Fulton, Michael S. (2018). Artillery in the Era of the Crusades (Brill).
- FULTON, Michael S. (2024). “Medieval Mechanical Artillery ‘Treatises’.” In Military Literature in the Medieval Roman World and Beyond, ed. Conor Whately (Brill), pp. 345–367.
- FULTON, Michael S. (2023). “Trebuchets Were Not Siege Guns, So Why Use Them?” ‘Atiqot 111, pp. 259–273.
- FULTON, Michael S. (2023). “Frankish Intervention in Egypt during the Reign of Amalric: Conquest or Extortion?” In Exploring Outremer, Volume 1: Studies in Medieval History in Honour of Adrian J. Boas. Ed. Rabei G. Khamisy, Rafie Lewis and Vardit Shotten-Hallel (Routledge), pp. 191–206.
- FULTON, Michael S. (2020). “Overlooked Ordnance: Artillery Projectiles of the Crusader Period.” In Crusading and Archaeology. Ed. Vardit Shotten-Hallel and Rosie Weetch (Routledge), pp. 300–27.
- FULTON, Michael S. (2020). “Disaster in the Delta? Sicilian support for the Crusades and the Siege of Alexandria, 1174.” In Warfare in the Norman Mediterranean. Ed. Georgios Theotokis (Woodbridge: Boydell), pp. 225–38.
- FULTON, Michael S. (2019). “The Siege of Montfort and Mamluk Artillery Technology in 1271: Integrating the Archaeology and Topography with the Narrative Sources.” Journal of Military History 83.3, pp. 689–717.
- FULTON, Michael S. (2017). “The Myth of the Hybrid-Trebuchet.” Viator 48.2, pp. 49–70.
- FULTON, Michael S. (2017). “A Ridge Too Far: The Siege of Saone/Sahyun in 1188 and Contemporary Trebuchet Technology.” Crusades 16, pp. 33–53.
- KHAMISY, Rabei G. and Fulton, Michael S. (2016). “Manjaniq Qarabugha and Thirteenth-Century Trebuchet Nomenclature.” Studia Islamica 111.2, pp. 179–201.
- FULTON, Michael S. (2016). “Anglo-Norman Artillery in Narrative Histories, from the Reign of William I to the Minority of Henry III.” Journal of Medieval Military History 14, pp. 1–31.
- FULTON, Michael S. (2015). “Development of Prefabricated Artillery during the Crusades.” Journal of Medieval Military History 13, pp. 51–72.